12 Jul

One of the things that i mostly proud of in those 5 years of volunteering with the Tunisian Red Crescent was the making of a draft of our national volunteering policy together with regional committee members and volunteers.
Days of hardwork, stubborn conversations, exchange, lack of sleep and alot of endless negociations to come up eventually with a national draft that aims mainly to empower volunteers in their humanitarian journey within the Tunisian Red Crescent, invest in their capacities and skills as changemakers and young leaders but mostly invest in making their volunteering experience better and worthy!

With a true call for transparency, passionate change and delegation, we were very proud to come up with the 1st national volunteering policy draft that  raises awareness about corruption within the humanitarian work: coming up with a definition, examples of corruptions and a national call to fight together against it and joining the  international movement of red cross red crescent cause toward a better humanitarian world that believes in equal chances, youth capacities and reducing inequalities at all level !

Ever since the 2nd national workshop (March 2018 to be exactly ) each of us came back home carrying suitcases and bags full of hope, dreams, objectives and vision of future change: new ways of dealing with things in the red crescent, new efficient strategies, new practical procedures and specially new better volunteer management!
My impatient belief in the impact of this national draft ,if it get approved by all the regional and local committees around the country, a modified better draft that takes into consideration that huge diversity and inequalities within the hierarchy of the red crescent is unmeasurable !

I believe that it will creat a change ,not easy one for sure, but a sustainble change with long term results making the Tunisian Red Crescent more competitive in the market of non profit organisations in the country : a red crescent more open , more including, more transparent, more active, more innovative and more youthfull.

The fact that this draft with magical future effects will be joining its sister "the national youth policy draft" in that dark  cold refrigerator makes this fight for the change painfull, demotivating and dream killer.
Actions are certainly louder than all the beautifull words and the speechs of endless support delevered  on national, regional or local meetings...
We need more than ever a #NewManagement in this glorious humanitarian organisation!

We need people who have "the possibilities" of changing things,voting, contributing to the decision making... TO SPEAK up ! to defend and invest in the future of thousand of young talents, young volunteers who have the right to question, to ask, to learn, to have an equal chance to participate in national and international trainings, to speak up, to choose,to evaluate their representative ...
#LetsChangeThingsTogetherNow ... for the young talents , for the young ambitions, for more sustainble projects, for more innovative intiatives, for more decentralization and less bureaucracy...  for #BetterTunisianRedCrescent


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