24 Aug

Combining your two passions of volunteering and painting together for a loud lovely picture that speaks up for a worthy cause, is simply the best ingredients ever for a tasty humanitarian recipe!

However this colorful project was my kind of follow up to my Training about "Global Education" organized by the Mediterranean University on Youth and Global Citizenship (NSC) that aims to celebrate global identities,appreciating our diversity and promoting a culture of peace & non violene along with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

And since it is all initially related to my Diffusion department: promoting the principles of the Red Cross/ Red Crescent Movement along with the volunteering,innovation, peace and non violence culture.. getting my messages to the public specially "the youth" through wall paintings and street Arts did sound like a very attractive idea !

So the painting project under my main intiative called "Ambassadors of SDGs" was represented in 4 pictures:

1.Promoting SDGS (Sustainble development goals) and engaging everyone in the 2030 strategy
2.Colorful Wings of Volunteers: encouraging volunteerism and promoting the Red Crescent principles (Humanity-Impartiality-Neutrality-Independence-Voluntary service-Unity-Universality)
3.Picture promoting peace #ArtForPeace&Love
4.The final one targeted the concept of diversity and the need of celebrating our own differences #Diversity #BeDifferent #BeYou

After two weeks of hard work, tired faces, long hours standing and hands covered in colors, we made it and got such beautifull pictures. For sure this couldn't be done without this amazing group of motivated volunteers who shared the same passion! ♥

#AHugeThankU !!

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