“What is life but one grand adventure.... Right?!!
Well Kenya was my loudest one ... 🐆🐒🐘🌞
Embracing that Magical unusual diversity between a busy chaotic Nairobi and an untouchable stunning wildlife few kilometers away from the city was weirdly fabulous ! (Although it was only for 3 days plus 2 day in the sky stuck in a chair in a plane XD ) ✈
And since booking yourself a luxury hotel in Africa doesn't give you a real hint on what's going on behind the closed doors or open you a space to live the daily life of the locals, their culture, their morning conversations etc ...But still i'm writting now mostly for those other 2 days stuck in the hotel conference room ... !
“There are no old roads to new directions.” And to discover new oceans you certainly need the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
If we are chasing the Unusual, the Innovation, the Change.. then the journey won't be easy! And if it was easy then everybody will be doing it !
Oh and Opportunities don't happen by itself .. we create them!
2 days of inspiring talks, 2 days of inventions, Entrepreneurship, crazy startups that started from nothing... successfull business ideas that started in a way back from a safari trip....
2 days of challenges, 2 days of Pecha kucha ... (hhh google it XD), 2 days of diversity, 2 days of laughs, worries..., 2 day of 25 pioneers coming from all over the Globe believing in the power of the Change,the power of Humanity... for a better tomorrow for our communities !
#ThankU for my lovely innovation Journey, for believing in me as a pioneer and for the inspiration and the support that i really needed !
Let's Begin Now the True Adventure.... #GIA #2K17 #IFRC💖💡👧👣🌍🆙