And we tend to ask this question quite often ,is innovation a gifted talent or a long way of perseverance..?!
Facing imprevisible challenges and global problems, the whole world seems engaged to define the best efficient solutions that repond well to the specific needs.
And for that, the whole world seems oriented toward youth capacities and leadership empowerment.
However this specific target "youth" needs alot of investment in term of freedom of speech, honest encouragement, professional guidance and monitorship and a strong believe in their capacities! But still when we say "youth" , kids seem to be our potential target as they will grow up to be our leaders of tomorrow.
And that's why i strongly believe that offering them the suitable opportunities and enough trust, will accomplish in building strong personalities of true changemakers!
Moreover, it does not only empower them but also empower the quality of education by offering a supplement of rich learning based on values of leadership, volunteerism, civic engagement,solution making etc..
Therefore, in our long journey seeking innovation we organised a competition with the name "Kids Got Innovation" where:
First we had the chance to talk with kids about the local problems that the country is facing and how to extract the specific needs that need an efficient respond.
Second, we devided them in four teams and asked them to pick up names for their teams and also to choose a leader.
Then, each team chose a specific problem to address, and start their discussion to eventually pick up the best solution for their problem.
-Each team had at least one mentor (volunteer from one of the different associations involved) to guide them, keep them aware of time management and provide advices concerning the presentation.
When the time came to an end, and it's the time for the solution presentations, each team took the stage trying to convaince the audiance and the jury of the efficiency of their solution.
We had different problems chosen: climate change, the lack of employment, passive youth attitude toward Agriculture and traditional industries ,hunger and poverty.
As a result we had some brilliant presentations and good solutions but most important is that lovely energy of those kids trying to save the world.
So when it comes to innovative ideas, it is in deed either a result of individual passion to solve a certain problem to empower the communities or a result of a whole team gathred together by chance or in a planned meeting ,around a certain challenge to overtake by looking for best innovative solutions. And in fact, it doesn't matter which way,where, how or what tool we used , the most important is the persevering engagement of youth to respond to a certain need and be aware of the challenges that the communities are facing. That's how we invest in a long term of durable achievement seeking developement and better quality humanitarian services.
(Special thanks to the volunteers who were engaged with us)