The Mediterranean University on Youth and Global Citizenship (MedUni) : is an activity organised by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe (NSC) in co- operation with l’Observatoire National de la Jeunesse (ONJ) [Tunisia] and in partnership with other international youth-led and youth serving organisations from Europe and the Southern Mediterranean.
Since 2013, the MedUni gathers representatives of youth organisations and youth movements to discuss, train and be trained around issues of democratic participation and global citizenship.
As a special university treasuring values of leadership,cooperation, human rights,non violence, democratic citizenship and intercultural dialogue, capacity-building for young people and youth organisations is the golden target.
In fact, MedUni not only aims to empower youth leaders all over the Mediterranean region in term of GDE competences, intercultural learning and initiatives creation but also invest in building bridges of lifelong friendships, peace, intercultural knowledges and expertises exchange.
With the belief in youth as agents of change and leaders for a better tomorrow, MedUni strongly encourages the participation of young people in decision and policy making and foster the development of networks that can serve as trans-Mediterranean communities of practice.
Developing Global Identities: the joint theme of 2017
(Reflecting on how youth organisations and youth work can empower young people as global citizens to celebrate their diverse identities, face their vulnerabilities and unleash their potential to contribute to the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Global Agenda 2030 of the United Nations ! )
My course : Global Education
Focusing on different subjects related to "Global Developement Education " such as: Education for peace & conflict resolution / Education for Sustainability/ Intercultural Education/ Development Education/ Human rights Education,
Me and 18 youth multipliers from Europe and the Southern Mediterranean region were gathered with the goal to develop our practices of Global Education and our understanding of intercultural education, intercultural learning and intercultural competences through Various tools and principles.
As representative of the Tunisian Red Crescent local committee Hammam Sousse (TRCHS) , this intercultural journey was inspiring and did open my mind on new perspectives...
Getting to the real point of things through funny simulations, taking roles, SGDs,
Organizations « Foire » seeking global networking and partenrship collaborations,
Show Room of active Tunisian/International associations, GDE values, the inspiring videos about innovation from other youth initiatives around the world..., our own free space of exchange, the energizers games between the activities, the funny stories about diffirent cultures around our lunch table..., the inspiring talks of young people from different countries about cultural chocs, their scary adventures leaving their countires etc... , the warm feelings... and a global lifelong networks of motivated organisations and passionned changemakers! ♥
Around 130 young leaders from different countries made it to Hammamet/Tunisia for a challenging week, running between the sessions, dancing at night, talking about Global identities,celebrating our lovely diversity...
And at the end of this adventure: only one thing did matter !
"Despite our differences, our backgrounds, our cultures, our religions .... we do share one thing in common ! The passion of making this world better ! And we will do it!"
It's not the end of the story, but it is the begining of new challenging chapter , new wind of change and new efficient projects promoting Global Education in light of the SDGs!
More details in the link below: