And nothing better than a knowledge that we share with others! After all that's our gain from learning: a personal modest enlightenment and a beneficial exchange with other people that may need it or didn't have the opportunity to hear about it.
The Global Innovators Accelerator gave us the chance to be that kind of person who is willing to share what he/she learned from Madrid workshops with other volunteers,youth and other people.
And in this regard, i had the occasion to organize an innovation workshop in the American corner in my city Sousse/Tunisia. A few hours of interaction and games: they got to know the story of the movement, the principales, and the emblems.
But mostly they were challenged by the sandwish exercice: in which each team should seek innovative ideas to creat more values to their clients taking into consideration the fianancial constraint. More over, the participants had to look for new ideas through 4 steps:
-1st individually: each one had to think individually for innovative ideas ( for few minutes) and write them down.
-2nd each one had to select his/her three best ideas.
-3rd the members in each team should discuss and pick the best three ideas from the total best ideas they had picked based on some specific criterias.
-4th Each team should pick their best idea (maximum two) to present it to the other teams.
*The rules of the presentation are (Dragon rules): only one team from the total of teams participating get the chance to give feedbacks to the team presenting.
-2nd, the members of the team who are presenting are only allowed to listen without giving any kind of answers while getting feedbacks from the other team.
This game aims to stimulate innovation and make them get used to the process (starting individually and then all together) ,since having an other discussion with all the team members can highlight a certain missing poinst or make them notice a certain defect in the idea or the project.
And finally we finished with an other round of innovation where each team should list the biggest problems that our community is facing and try together to look for new ways or solutions to adress them.
Having those kind of workshops with youth (high school and university students) from outside our national society is the kind of interraction we need the most to understand their concerns and what motivate them to be more engaged in solutions making in our communities. What i got the most from this workshop, beside alot of amazing solutions for enviornmental, social and educational issues we are facing, is the need to consider their ideas and help them turn them into action even if they are not volunteers in the national society!
Organizing a recieving box for ideas from outside the Red Crescent committees or even having a mentorship committee to help them implement their projects with the assistance of the Red Cresent volunteers and staff would be super interesting and beneficial.